I'm giving it all away...

Howdy! You made your way to my spoiler page! That's right, if you don't want the plot to be ruined, click the back button now. The existence of this page will end me announcing everything in Pokemon, I just want to scream to the world what happens next... sorry 'bout that. Well, let's get started! The contents of the page are not sorted in any way, so it might just look like a messy blah to you. I need this page to form the plots in my series, and mess doesn't matter to me. Arceus and I both worked on this page.. he told me about my future O_o

I'll be adding more when Arceus tells me more. Here's what I've got so far:

Yup, in the next book, Make a Wish, the cast will meet a Jirachi named Deseo (that's wish in Spanish!) and will be granted three wishes. Michelle will wish to not look retarded, Camille will wish to have leg rings, and the final wish will be used by Emily to stop an enormous sibling rivalry battle between Latias and Latios that is destroying everything in sight.

In Deoxys and the Curse of Missingno., the heroes will be traveling through a seemingly endless desert. They collide with a Speed Forme Deoxys who complains that he lost the criminal because of them. He instantly is on the move again, and the cast shrugs and travels forward. The next day, what seems to be a very crazy desert mirage is actually Deoxys's wanted outlaw- Missingno. . The heroes think they are dreaming, but it is all real., of course.

Manaphy will be able to speak full sentences at the end of The Icy Song, right after he comes back to life.

Fighting Fire with Fire will include a special guest character- a Torchic that currently doesn't have a name. He will be on a quest to be the strongest Fire type of them all. Torchic will be an annoying character- he will brag, be very self absorbed, EGOTISTICAL TO THE MAX, say told ya' so too much, will be picking fights alot... move over, Camille. Looks like we got a more annoying character than you.

The book above's plot is: The heroes will find a tiny Torchic who is beat up by a gang of other Fire Pokemon (Magmar, Charizard and Houndour, I assume). The cast will feel bad for him, and somebody will tell him that they would train him for a little while... but when everyone agrees they realize that they've made a horrible mistake... Torchic is super annoying. But a promise is a promise, and they help Torchic conquer each Fire type Legendary. Except for Ho-Oh. More will be revealed later...

As for End of the World (which is the first in a two book plot), Arceus is possessed by Darkrai, and orders his followers (other legendaries) to destroy the world. Each Legendary in the world, even sweet little Manaphy reluctantly follow their leader's commands. Our heroes venture to meet Arceus and ask him why he is trying to destroy the planet. He doesn't respond, instead he starts a battle. After being defeated, Darkrai flees like the coward he really is. Arceus wakes up, not remembering what has happened. The cast tell him what he had done in Darkrai's possession. He makes the legendaries cease their destruction, and teams up with the heroes to search for Darkrai.

I have alot of plans for Why.Why Why, anyway? Why is book two in the Arceus-Darkrai series. Arceus and the heroes are on a quest to bring down the Darkrai who almost destroyed the world. They are having great difficulty finding the Dark type, and almost give up untill they meet a clever Mew. She knows where Darkrai is (she'd get him herself but she is afraid that she is too weak), but will only tell them for a price. The price is to be revealed later. Darkrai has apparently hidden himself in the Distortion World- Giratina's domain. Mew uses her psychic powers to teleport them, and tells Kim to contact her with telepathy when they have brought down Darkrai. The cast is transported safely, but to their surprise they are not themselves. For some reason, their DNA was rearranged as they were warped, morphing into foreign DNA their souls are familiar with. As you already know, their new forms are the embarassing characters they were Heart Swapped with throughout the series. Kim is King Dedede, Emily is Max Flexer, Sam is Dora, Camille is Brock, and Michelle is Escargoon. They know Mew won't listen to Kim about anything untill Darkrai is destroyed, so they trudge on in their new forms. After searching for hours on end, they spot him. He is asleep near an enormous pit. The characters attack- using the powers of their new forms! Darkrai, confused to who they are, tells them to be quiet- he didn't want them to awaken the great pit beast. Why should they listen to him? They continue to strike the menace. He attempts to leave, but an enormous shadowous hole stretches out of the pit and drags everyone in. They meet Giratina, who complains that they have awakened her. She decides to kill them for their deeds. Giratina chases them around the dark pit, ready to launch her devastating Hyper Beam when someone comes in reach. When her tail slams against the wall, a deadly rockfall buries her alive. Exhausted, the heroes and Darkrai, who formed an alliance with them (of course he doesn't know who they really are) have no clue what to do to escape. Kim wonders if s/he can still use telepathy, but since she is no longer in the shape of a Lucario, it fails. Mew and Arceus, who are becoming a bit worried, try to contact Kim, but it fails. Paranoid, the Legendary Gods transport themselves to the scene. When they come across the pit, they investigate it. The two are extremely confused when they see the embarassing characters hanging out with Darkrai. Mew is ready to attack him, but Arceus tells her not to. He notices how the mysterious five act, and sees through their form. He questions them why Darkrai is still alive, and they really can't come up with a decent explanation. Filled with horror, the cast watch as Arceus executes Darkrai with Judgement. Mew teleports them to their world (they return to their normal forms), and then Arceus decides it is "Time". He and Mew explain why they have transformed. THAT"S enough for now. Gee, we wanted to ruin alot for you, but I refuse to tell you what the big secret is. You're just going to have to find that out when I write the book....

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